• Education Forums

Welcoming the Stranger

The Rev. Rainey Dankel
November 8, 2018

We’re on it!


Last weekend our Diocesan Convention adopted a Resolution that encourages parishes “to connect with local and national institutions and coalitions” and “engage in educating, organizing, advocacy, direct action and other methods…to ensure the safety and security of our immigrant neighbors.”


This coming weekend, we plan to do exactly that--and more.  The 4th Bonnyman Symposium is entitled “Love Thy Neighbor:  Equity in Immigration.” We will look at the issues of immigration as people of faith with a goal of exploring ways to support humane approaches that honor the dignity of all people and to resist unjust immigration policies.


Come on Saturday morning and hear from a national leader in immigration policy, Ali Noorani, of the National Immigration Forum, who travels the country working with people from many sectors—businesspeople, religious leaders, law enforcement officials—to build bridges and find common ground in addressing the thorny problems of immigration.


Participate in a breakout group to engage in personal conversation, and stay for networking with local organizations and institutions working to assist refugees in a variety of ways.


View We Are Here, the riveting art produced by sculptor Nora Valdez as she interprets the experiences of journeying on immigrants and refugees.


Come to church on Sunday to hear guest preachers help us wrestle with the Scriptures to understand how our faith impels us to care for the refugee.  Hear compelling speakers from leaders and clients of International Institute of New England, who will share their own first-hand immigration experiences at special Forums at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.


And attend a reception on Sunday at 12:30 p.m. where we will honor the Rev. Anne Berry Bonnyman, retired Rector of Trinity Church, whose devotion to the work of social justice is carried on through the Symposia that bear her name.


It will be an exciting weekend at Trinity Church.  Please help us make ready for your participation by registering for the Saturday sessions.


As citizens of this country, we desire to “form a more perfect union.”  As people of faith, we wish to build a beloved community.


This weekend, we can take steps together to work on both of those objectives.  Hope to see you there!


Faithfully and fondly,



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