The Book of Common Prayer states that “In corporate worship, we unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments.” In every worship service that is offered at Trinity Church, we invite you in to grow in your own faith through the music and liturgy offered. If it is your first time or five thousandth time in the church, we invite you to come and encounter the divine in our weekly offerings.
At present, we livestream the 10 am service to our website and to our Facebook page as well as our YouTube page. Should we encounter technical difficulty with the feed, we will upload the recorded service by Sunday afternoon.
Our Services
During the Program Year (September through mid-June), the Sunday schedule is:
- 8 am – Holy Eucharist
- 8:30 am – Nursery opens
- 9 am – Coffee & Community
- 10 am – Holy Eucharist
- livestreamed
- in-person Children’s Homily
- Morning Prayer on the fifth Sunday of the month
- 11:15 am – Learning for All Ages
- Sunday School (grades K-3); Club 45 (grades 4 & 5); Youth Ministry (grades 6-12); 20s & 30s Ministry; Adult Formation
- 2 pm – Choral Evensong on the first Sunday of the Month
- 5 pm – Holy Eucharist
From late June through August (and the occasional odd Sunday – check the calendar for the most up-to-date information), we follow our Summer & Holiday Worship schedule with Holy Eucharist services at 9 am (Morning Prayer on the 5th Sunday of the month) and 5pm.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
- 8:30 pm – Zoom Compline
- 5:45 pm – Choral Evensong
Worship Cohort Leadership
Vestry Liaisons: Mary Roetzel
Staff Support: Abi Moon (Senior Associate) and Colin Lynch (Director of Music)
Cohort Co-Conveners: Mary Roetzel and Brad Johnson
Worship Cohort Ministries
Join us on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30 pm for Compline, the last of the four services in the Daily Office, through the fall. Compline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord’s Prayer, collects which ask for God’s protection during the night to come, and the canticle Nunc dimittis. A hymn for the evening may follow the short reading from scripture. The collects may be followed by a time of silence, along with free intercessions and thanksgivings. The service starts on page 127 of the Book of Common Prayer.
Our service begins at 8:30 pm, but the room will open at 8:15 pm for friendly chat. Please join us! Join in on Zoom at this (video optional) link: or by calling 1-646-558-8656 and entering Meeting ID 206 654 379.
Since the 1980s, Trinity Church’s needlepoint kneelers have been personal, artistic, and practical contributions to our space. The ministry leader coordinates donors, stitchers, vendors, clergy, and staff by email, telephone, and in-person visits to ensure timely production and blessing of 4-6 kneelers in a typical year. At the worship service on the blessing date, the leader meets donors and their family and friends, helps them select a location for their blessed kneelers, and updates the kneeler records in Excel. The time commitment varies and occurs in small, sporadic chunks. The term runs from annual meeting to annual meeting with no set end date. A kneeler is rarely completed within a single year, so the leader moves along kneelers over multiple years. The leader must have excellent communication skills, pastoral sensitivity and, as with all parish leadership roles, is expected to be a faithful member in good standing.
The Trinity Flower Guild is responsible for transforming the church space into one glorious array of flowers for key services and events, such as Christmas, Candlelight Carols, and Easter. Over several days, the team of volunteers help by sorting flowers, creating the arrangements using templates, and installing the arrangements in the church. Everyone is welcome to join! No experience is necessary.
We come from an oral tradition, stories handed down from one generation to another. The Church continues this tradition with reading the lessons and prayers at each service. Lectors and Intercessors are the trained parishioners who invite the congregation to lean in and prayerfully listen to God’s promises in their midst and care for the larger community. If you are interested in joining this ministry, reach out to the Senior Associate.
Eucharistic Ministers are essential to the Worship team and facilitating each person’s ability to receive in the manner to which they would like to receive the blood of Christ. Each Eucharistic Minister practices hospitality and welcome in meeting people right where they are at the altar rail. If you are interested in joining this ministry, reach out to the Senior Associate
Since Biblical times, people have assisted in preparing and clearing the altar as a prayerful practice. The Trinity Altar Guild is an essential ministry to each and every service offered at Trinity Church. Those who serve on this ministry offer their time and talent behind the scenes before and after the service, ensuring that all of the vessels needed for celebrating the Eucharist are in place. Each person who serves offers the gift of assisting the larger parish to be able to be nourished by the Eucharist. If you love to serve in a quieter way, this ministry is perfect for you! If you are interested in joining this ministry, reach out to the Senior Associate.
Youth in 6th through 12th grade interested in participating in the liturgical life of Trinity Church Boston are invited to join the Acolyte Team. Acolytes learn how to lead all aspects of worship and why it matters to our faith tradition. The act of meaningfully contributing to our faith tradition leads to greater connections in the church with other acolytes and adult ministry leaders, service hours you can share with a school or other organization, and increased confidence. Training sessions for new acolytes are held throughout the year.
Roles of an acolyte include:
carrying crosses and torches in processions,
serving at the altar during the Eucharist,
receiving gifts during the Offertory,
participating in special services, including Holy Week liturgies and Candlelight Carols.