Welcome to Trinity Church Boston’s Youth Ministry!
At Trinity Church, we are committed to creating a community where our youth can experience and reflect God’s love and grace. We have three vibrant cohorts allowing all our fourth through twelfth graders to find a space where they can fully be themselves. Club 45 is for 4th and 5th graders; Middle School is for 6th, 7th and 8th graders; High School is for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.
We are passionate about helping our youth discover and develop their unique God-given gifts. By fostering an environment of love and acceptance for all, we encourage them to ask bold questions, champion justice, and bring their vibrant energy to our community. Our goal is to uplift and empower our youth, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to our faith community at large and to build a personal relationship with God.
Please explore our additional youth specific ministries that your youth can get involved with in addition to our Sunday School offerings.

The Trinity Choristers
The Chorister program is a choir for children and teens, open to all from ages 8 to 18, regardless of religious affiliation. Combining the highest standards of musicianship and performance with leadership and teamwork, Choristers learn musical skills and theory through the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM) and receive a small stipend for their work. Learn more on the Choristers page.
Acolyte Team
Youth in 6th through 12th grade interested in participating in the liturgical life of Trinity Church Boston are invited to join the Acolyte Team. Acolytes learn how to lead all aspects of worship and why it matters to our faith tradition. The act of meaningfully contributing to our faith tradition leads to greater connections in the church with other acolytes and adult ministry leaders, service hours you can share with a school or other organization, and increased confidence. Training sessions for new acolytes are held throughout the year.
Roles of an acolyte include:
- carrying crosses and torches in processions,
- serving at the altar during the Eucharist,
- receiving gifts during the Offertory,
- participating in special services, including Holy Week liturgies and Candlelight Carols.

Confirmation Program
Trinity Church Boston offers preparation for Confirmation every year. Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer, the laying on of hands by a bishop, and the witness of the church community. We plan to host an on-site Confirmation Service every two years. Youth Confirmation preparation is a class with coursework that will equip our confirmands to articulate their relationship with God, affirm their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of baptism.