Finance, Facilities, Administration Cohort Leadership
Vestry Liaisons:
Tim Martin (Building Committee Chair); Chuks Okoli (Audit Committee Chair)
Staff Support:
Rob Hess (CFO) and Lonsdale Koester (Director of Stewardship)
Cohort Co-Conveners:
Kathy Sheehan and Sukaina Garcia
The archives of Trinity Church in the City of Boston contain Sunday’s worship leaflet, “the big books” of baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals, recordings of sermons, minutes of vestry meetings, scrapbooks and photo albums, a crystal inkwell, and much, much more. The archives are managed by a member of the staff, who preserves, protects, and makes them available to help tell the stories of Trinity as a parish church and as an integral part of Boston since 1733.
How can you get involved?
- When you declutter your home and computer, please donate Trinity-related items to the archives. Photos of you and yours at Trinity events are especially welcome.
- Volunteer to transcribe and tag documents as we digitize them to make them searchable.
- Ask questions and tell us your stories. No matter how long you’ve been at Trinity, we are eager to include you in the archives. Request for more archives info here
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Vestry in its oversight of and serve as an
independent, objective check and balance on the financial reporting and internal fiscal controls of the Church. Members of the Audit Committee consider and provide advice and counsel
regarding matters that are brought to the Committee’s attention. Members are team players, and knowledgeable of financial operations and auditing. Audit Committee members serve for a three-year term.
The Building Committee is a standing committee of the Vestry, focused on supporting and consulting in the operation, management, and planning of Trinity Church’s real estate interests. Our mission is to: serve as stewards to Trinity Church’s historic buildings, grounds, and associated properties, focusing on maintenance and preservation. Partnering with the wider Trinity community, we work to ensure the physical assets we have been entrusted with meet the needs of our parish community and support Trinity’s mission and growth.
The Boston Harbor Deanery is one of 12 groups of congregations in our diocese whose boundaries are drawn according to natural watersheds, reminding us of our connections with God’s creation and symbolic of the waters of Baptism.Meetings of the Deanery Assembly are held at least four times annually. Other meetings may be held at the call of the dean or conveners, as authorized by the Deanery Assembly or as requested by the Bishop.The primary role of a Delegate to the Boston Harbor Deanery is to provide a link between Trinity Church and the regional Deanery by representing the congregation and by reporting back on events, actions and decisions taken by the Deanery. Delegates to the Deanery are elected at the church’s annual meeting.
The Investment Committee is responsible for investing the Endowment Fund assets in a manner consistent with the objectives, guidelines, and restrictions outlined in Trinity Church’s Investment Policy Statement. The Committee is responsible for overseeing asset allocation, manager selection, and portfolio rebalancing as well as monitoring the performance of the Fund on a regular basis and updating the Vestry and Parish.
It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee, which is governed by Trinity’s By-Laws, to nominate members of the Parish to fill vacancies on the Vestry, delegates to the Diocesan Convention, and representatives to the Deanery Assembly. The Nominating Committee consists of the Rector, at least two Officers and at least three members of the Parish. The work of the Nominating Committee must be completed at least 35 days prior to the date of the Annual Parish Meeting, and the nominations must be filed with the clerk and posted for 30 days before the meeting.
The Stewardship Committee fosters and promotes Trinity Church’s understanding of stewardship as a way of life, both through an annual pledge and legacy giving, where sharing the gifts God has given to us is central to our baptismal calling. The primary mechanism for the Stewardship Committee’s ministry is the annual pledge campaign undertaken each autumn to generate resource commitments for the parish in the upcoming calendar year. The Stewardship Committee meets monthly. In addition, members often join task-specific subgroups in preparing and carrying out the annual campaign, and these subgroups may sometimes meet outside the regular monthly committee meetings. Members serve for three year terms.
The mission of Trinity Boston Connects is to heal the traumatic impact of systemic racism in Boston, and to create a more equitable Boston in which youth of color can thrive. TBC works through the integration of racial equity, trauma-inclusion, and restorative justice practices in service of youth, youth workers, and youth-serving organizational leaders and staff. The Board is responsible for TBC’s effectiveness, vitality, and sustainability. Our expectation is that each member will embrace the mission and plan and to be actively engaged. Board members are team players and have knowledge of and support for TBC’s mission. Board members actively participate in meetings and events; provide fiduciary and financial oversight; contribute generously; and seek and cultivate sources of individual and institutional support.
The responsibility of the Vestry is to: “manage the prudential affairs and to care for the property of the Parish; to provide for the furniture, books vestments, and all things necessary for the celebration of public worship; to see that all buildings and personal property belonging to the Parish are adequately insured; to supervise the investment of funds of the Parish; to authorize and direct such purchases and sales as the Vestry may from time to time deem wise, and any and all transfers, assignments, contracts, deeds, leases, bonds, notes, checks and other instruments which may be necessary or proper in this connection; and to supervise and direct the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, the Treasurer and the Clerk in the discharge of their duties. The Vestry, in consultation with the Rector, shall through the budget process of the Parish authorize staff positions and the terms of employment.” Trinity’s current Vestry class can be found here.
The Art & Architecture Committee (A&A) focuses on the stewardship and development of Trinity’s “collections,” including windows and paintings in and on our buildings; the buildings themselves; and the parish’s discrete works of art. The committee also supports the ongoing work of inventorying the church’s loose items, or artifacts, and may serve as a resource when our Facilities staff solicit input about maintenance and improvements of our buildings.