

Holy Baptism is the sacrament that initiates an individual—adult, child, or infant—into the Christian faith, a member of the Body of Christ. To understand our theology of baptism, please consult Holy Baptism: The Foundation of Christian Life. The baptism service, including the vows, may be found on page 299 of The Book of Common Prayer. 

Infant Baptism

We hope you will share with us news of a birth in your family so that we can celebrate with you and yours!  Please share your happy news via this Prayer Request Form, and we will look forward to connecting with you. 

We are delighted to walk with you as you prepare for your child’s Holy Baptism. In the tradition of the Episcopal Church, baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the Christian faith and life. We celebrate this sacrament with parents, godparents, family, and community on these Sundays:  

  • First Sunday of Epiphany/Feast of the Baptism of our Lord 
  • Day of Pentecost  
  • First Sunday in July  
  • First Sunday in August  
  • Sunday of Labor Day Weekend  
  • All Saints’ Sunday 

To have an infant or child baptized at Trinity Church, the parents must be one of the following 

  • Current Members of Trinity Church, or  
  • Have a standing familial connection with the parish (one or both parents or grandparents are still active members), or  
  • In the process of joining Trinity Church 

In addition to the above, parents and godparents must attend the Baptism preparation class.

Adult Baptism

We joyfully welcome all people of any age to be baptized. Adults and older children are invited to celebrate this sacrament during the Easter Vigil (Easter Eve) service. 

Through baptism, we are lovingly adopted by God into God’s family. Our parish clergy will help prepare you or your older child for this sacrament, which marks a formal entrance to the congregation and wider Church. 

Alison Poor

Director of the Rector's Office

Alison began as the Director of the Rector’s Office in March 2020 supporting Reverend Morgan Allen in the leadership of the staff and the Trinity Church communities it serves. She brought five years of operations, project management, communications, and administrative experience in the nonprofit sector. She graduated magna cum laude from Suffolk University with a B.S. in Environmental Studies. Alison and her husband Kyle live in Waltham.

Baptism Interest Form