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“…to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” – Ephesians 4:12

All that we have, and all that we are, is a gift
from our creating, redeeming, sustaining God.

What a joy and blessing it is, then, to offer our gifts in furtherance of God’s work in the world!  To equip us all — the saints — for ministry. To build up the body of Christ, within the walls of our inspiring parish home at Trinity Church as well as beyond. 

Your gifts make the saving work of the church possible. For all that you are, and all that you offer, thanks be to God! 

Interested in making a one-time gift? Many whose lives have been touched by Trinity Church — whether our art and architecture, fellowship, liturgy, music, outreach, or preaching — respond generously with a donation toward the work of the church. Pledging members of Trinity also often make special one-time gifts in addition to their pledges.

Make your one time gift here

Each fall and winter, we invite all members of our faith community to make a pledge of financial support to the parish for the upcoming year. Our pledge is a promise that we will make a priority of our relationship with God. Our pledge partners us with God in the reconciling, saving work of the church. Our pledge grafts us into a holy undertaking far greater than any of us could accomplish alone. Our pledge, of whatever amount, confirms our equal share in every ministry of this remarkable congregation.

Pledges are Trinity’s largest source of annual operating funds, and they are vital in planning and conducting all the ministries and programs Trinity undertakes to the glory of God and the care of God’s people.

Make your annual pledge commitment here

Pay your pledge here 

In the Gospels, Jesus tells the parable of a small mustard seed whose appearance belies its potential: when planted, the seed grows into a tree with bird nests in its branches. Trinity Church has grown from hundreds such seeds, planted through the planned gifts of faithful members throughout our nearly 300-year history. The cityscape changes, but Trinity remains, a living tree bearing fruit in the heart of Boston.

When you make a gift to Trinity through your estate plan, you become part of that legacy, and you create a fresh legacy by ensuring that the tree will bear fruit for those who will come after us.

Learn more about planned giving opportunities and our legacy giving society, Trinity Circle.

Certain forms of giving may suit an individual or family’s circumstances better than others. For some donors, there may be tax advantages to making gifts of the following types.

  • Donor Advised Funds – a donor advised fund (DAF) is similar to a charitable investment account. Donations to a DAF are generally taxable on initial contribution and then may be invested to grow tax-free. Donors are then able to advise, recommend, or direct the holder of their funds what charitable institutions they wish to support from their fund. Gifts being directed from donor advised funds should be sent to Trinity Church in the City of Boston, 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116. Trinity’s Federal Tax Identification Number is 04-1913340.
  • Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds – to receive DTC and other transfer instructions, please contact Trinity’s stewardship office. Please also notify us of the particulars of your gift, especially the name of the security and the number of shares being transferred, to ensure that the gift is properly attributed and that we may thank you appropriately.
  • Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) – for donors who have reached age 70 ½ and are required to begin taking distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts, a qualified charitable distribution is a popular gift option with possible tax advantages. Your financial advisor can assist you in making such a gift from your account. QCD gifts should be sent to Trinity Church in the City of Boston, 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA 02116. Trinity’s Federal Tax Identification Number is 04-1913340.

Please note, Trinity is not qualified to provide specific legal, tax, or investment advice. As always, consult with your legal and financial advisor when planning your gifts.

Worshipping with us remotely via our livestream or video recording? Missed a week but still want to put something “in the plate”? In the words of the Book of Common Prayer, let us with gladness present the offerings and oblations of our life and labor to the Lord.

Make your Virtual Offering

Giving thanks for a meaningful event or encounter with the divine? Honoring a loved one and the blessing of their presence in this life? Remembering someone who rejoices with us but upon another shore and in a greater light?

Make thanksgiving, honorary, and memorial gifts here

In the weeks leading up to both Christmas and Easter, we gratefully receive gifts toward the music and flowers that add so much to our devotions and worship. Your generosity adds to the joy and wonder of the thousands of people who celebrate these holy days with us at Trinity Church each year. Names to be honored and remembered through these gifts are printed in our worship bulletins for these special liturgies.

Click here for Christmas and Easter Flowers and Music donations

Interested in making a one-time gift for reasons not addressed in other parts of the "Giving" section of our website? Many visitors and friends whose lives have been touched by Trinity Church — whether our art and architecture, fellowship, liturgy, music, outreach, or preaching — respond generously with a donation toward the work of the church.  Parishioners also often make one-time gifts in addition to their annual pledges.  

In the words of St. Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians, “there are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit.” Thank you for your generosity to the work of God here at Trinity Church!

Donate here

Please contact Lonsdale Koester, Director of Stewardship, by telephone at 617-536-0944, ext. 320 or by email at LKoester@trinitychurchboston.org

Thank you for your generous support of God’s work at and through Trinity Church.

Lonsdale Koester

Director of Stewardship

Many know Lonsdale as a companion in the pew and as a Stewardship leader here at Trinity. As the Director of Stewardship, Lonsdale will provide essential ligature between the parish offices and the Stewardship Committee, all in support of the congregation’s greatest generosity. She has worked as a professional fundraiser on two successful gubernatorial campaigns and as executive director of a local non-profit. As a philanthropist and board member, she’s also chaired the development committees of both the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and the Charles River Conservancy. Lonsdale will also bring the expertise of a consultancy, helping us optimize our Stewardship systems, drafting job descriptions, and building congregational capacity for our 2023 campaign.

Stock, Bonds, and Mutual Funds Gift Form