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Directions and Parking


Trinity Church is located at 206 Clarendon St. on the east end of Copley Square in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood. While there is parking available in the area, we do encourage use of public transportation whenever possible.

Worship and concerts take place in the Sanctuary. The most direct access to the Sanctuary is via the stairs on the Copley Square side of the building. Those who have mobility challenges or prefer an elevator should enter the Sanctuary through the Parish House. The Parish House entrance is located at 206 Clarendon Street, near the corner of Boylston Street.

Restrooms are located in the Undercroft (Lower Level below the Sanctuary). An Usher can direct you to the stairwell. Elevators to the Lower Level are available near the Clarendon Street entrance at the front of the Sanctuary.

From Public Transportation

The Massachusetts Bay Transporation Authority (MBTA) is Greater Boston’s public transportation system. On the MBTA Orange Subway Line, get off at Back Bay station and walk two blocks north. On the Green Subway Line, get off at the Copley Square station and walk one block east. Routes 9, 10, 39, 501, and 504 buses also stop at Copley Square.

From Interstate 93 (Southbound)

Take Exit 26 to Storrow Drive. After approximately one mile, exit left to Copley Square. At the first light, turn right onto Beacon St. Proceed two blocks and turn left on Clarendon St. Follow Clarendon three blocks.

From Interstate 93 (Northbound)

Take Exit 18. Continue on I-93 Frontage Rd. Take E Berkeley St to Boylston St.

From Massachusetts Turnpike (Interstate 90) Eastbound

Exit at Copley Square. Turn left onto Dartmouth St. Church is on right between St. James Ave. and Boylston St. Note: There is no Copley Square exit from the Turnpike Westbound from Boston; use Storrow Drive West.

From Storrow Drive (Eastbound)

Exit at Copley Square/Clarendon St. Follow Clarendon three blocks.

From Storrow Drive (Westbound)

Exit at Copley Square. At the first light, turn right onto Beacon St. Proceed two blocks and turn left on Clarendon St. Follow Clarendon three blocks.


There is limited street parking in the neighborhood.

Worshiper parking at the 500 Boylston Street Garage is available with a special discount ticket during services on Sundays.

Worshipers who enter the 500 Boylston Garage anytime on Sunday (with a validation) will receive the first three hours of parking for $5.

  • Mon-Fri (after 5 pm): $8 • 11 hrs
  • Weekends: $10 • 11 hrs


Be sure to pick up a “chaser ticket” from the front desk of the Parish House (entrance at 206 Clarendon St.). This ticket is inserted into a machine along with the parking ticket you receive upon entering the garage. Entrances to the garage are located on Clarendon St. and St. James Ave.

There is also a supply of vouchered parking tickets for the parking garage at 100 Clarendon Street. These can be used for Trinity events on Saturdays and Sundays and cover up to three hours of parking for $10. After 3 hours, regular rates apply.

Please note: The parking spots immediately adjacent to the church, near St. James Ave., are not available for general parking.