Register for Youth Ministries today!
Trinity Church Boston’s Youth Ministries—designed for young people in grades six to twelve—is grounded in the conviction that faith happens in and through community.
We nurture a climate where young people are integrated into the life of the church and empowered to embody the extravagant love of God. We do this by recognizing and amplifying the life-giving talents young people have to offer the Church: gifts of urgent questioning, of devotion to justice, of energy, and of sensitivity to and scorn for hypocrisy. In the process, we recognize and address the special needs and challenges of adolescence: challenges of shifting identities, of navigating an increasingly unforgiving world, of growing into adult roles.
We think that an open mind and a healthy skepticism are essential elements of the Christian faith, and that spiritual development is more a process of cultivating a relationship with God than accepting a set of specific beliefs.
Youth Ministries at Trinity Church Boston are LGBTQ affirming.
For more information, contact Katrina Leslie, Minister for Young Adults and Youth.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Trinity’s middle and high school youth gather throughout the year as the Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) for fun and fellowship: cooking and sharing meals, going on retreats, and growing in Christian community together.
This accomplished choir is open to all boys and girls aged 8 to 18, regardless of religious affiliation.
Trinity Church Boston offers preparation for Confirmation for students in 9th grade and above.