Educational Forums: Growing in Faith and Knowledge

May 1, 2018
“What first brought you to Trinity Church?” Read More >
April 29, 2018
At the speaker's request, no video was taken of the Sunday, April 29 Forum featuring Anne Azema on the Virgin Mary & Her Ministrels. Read More >
April 29, 2018
At the speaker's request, no video was taken of the Forum and Price Lecture by Amy-Jill Levine on Sunday, April 22, 2018.     Read More >
April 25, 2018
“Practice resurrection.”– Wendell Berry “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front”  Read More >
April 19, 2018
The country recently observed the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  On the following day (April 5, 2018), there was a letter to the Boston Globe in which Peter Chisholm of Ashland recounted the following:Read More >

Going Deeper: Growing In Faith And Knowledge

At "Educational Forums," enrich your spiritual journey by exploring our resources including videos of lectures, essays by priests, and other pieces about our faith, our church, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the 21st century.