Educational Forums: Growing in Faith and Knowledge

Sarah Neumann
October 3, 2019
In the middle of my work day, when the weather is nice, I like to go for walks around the neighborhoods near Trinity. Recently, I made my way over to the plaque honoring Kahlil Gibran in Copley Square, situated about halfway between Trinity’s front steps and the Boston Public Library.Read More >
The Rev. Morgan Allen
September 29, 2019
The Rev. Patrick Ward
September 26, 2019
On Monday the wider Anglican Communion marks the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.  We’ve gotten a jump on this here at Trinity, marking the day at Wednesday Evensong yesterday and at noonday Eucharist earlier today.  Read More >
The Rev. Dr. William Rich
September 19, 2019
We all have our heroes.  They are mirrors for us.  Looking at them, we see some part of who we are, or at least who we would like to be.  Read More >

Going Deeper: Growing In Faith And Knowledge

At "Educational Forums," enrich your spiritual journey by exploring our resources including videos of lectures, essays by priests, and other pieces about our faith, our church, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the 21st century.