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Weekly Scripture Readings


Parishioners and visitors alike are invited to spend time reflecting on inspirational prayers and readings contained in the Lectionary.

Scriptural passages included in the daily readings are evenly distributed across the three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) in a successive three-year cycle, with varying material from the Gospel of John included in each of the years. This schedule of readings can be found in the Book of Common Prayer. 

Lectionaries can vary from one Christian denomination to another. The Revised Common Lectionary of the Episcopal Church, adopted in 2006, was developed out of a concern for the unity of the Church and a desire for a common experience of Scripture. It was intended as a harmonization of the many different denominational approaches to the three-year lectionary. 

Read the Scriptures online.

Weekly readings can also be found in the Sunday bulletins, which can be found here.