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The Future of the Church: A Youth-Led Forum

Our Trinity High Schoolers will be sharing their goals for the Church’s future in this special forum. Join us to listen and learn to the youth perspective and see what […]

Forum: Ubuntu

The relevance of the African concept of Ubuntu is all the more important today. In this Forum we will learn about and lean into the principles and practice of Ubuntu […]

Youth Panel Forum & Senior Sunday 

Our youth of all ages have been welcomed back to lead the forum to talk about their experiences at Trinity Church! We will also have a special time to honor […]

Marking Time and Things Held in Common 

In the church year we celebrate different rites of passage from changing of church seasons to the arrival of the Magi on January 6 to the Baptism of Our Lord […]

Epiphany Forum Series: The Household in Ephesos

1/14: “The Household in Ephesos”,  led by the Rev. Dr. Katherine Shaner.  We turn to the practical life of the household, understanding better how ‘real life’ was in the time of […]