The Rev. Abi Moon

Senior Associate

Abi serves as tbe Senior Associate, overseeing worship, family formation, and the Ministry Council. Before coming to Trinity in 2022, she served for 11years at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Tallahassee, FL as associate priest, senior associate, and then Interim Rector. Before becoming a priest, she served in youth ministry in Georgia, South Carolina, and partnered with the national church.  As a former Army brat and also Peace Corps Volunteer, Abi loves the gift of the diversity of community and the common ground of our liturgy. Abi, with the dynamic Trinity Staff, works to invite each person who walks through the doors (or watches online) to find their home in the Beloved Community. She is a graduate of the college and seminary at The University of the South, Sewanee. She and her husband have one fluffy black dog named Max.


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