Lonsdale Koester

Director of Stewardship

Many know Lonsdale as a companion in the pew and as a Stewardship leader here at Trinity.  As the Director of Stewardship, Lonsdale will provide essential ligature between the parish offices and the Stewardship Committee, all in support of the congregation’s greatest generosity.  She has worked as a professional fundraiser on two successful gubernatorial campaigns and as executive director of a local non-profit.  As a philanthropist and board member, she's also chaired the development committees of both the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and the Charles River Conservancy.  Lonsdale will also bring the expertise of a consultancy, helping us optimize our Stewardship systems, drafting job descriptions, and building congregational capacity for our 2023 campaign. 


Contact: first initial last name @trinitychurchboston.org