• Parish news

Trinity Welcomes the Ukrainian Cultural Center of New England (UCCN) on 3/6

March 3, 2022

Dear Trinity Church and Friends,

Grace and Peace to you and yours. I hope this message finds you well.

This Sunday, March 6, we are honored to welcome the Ukrainian Cultural Center of New England (UCCN) and all those Ukrainians, Ukrainian-Americans, and friends of Ukraine from greater Boston and beyond that they have invited to join them and to join us for our 10 am worship. When our liturgy concludes, a Peace March will start from Copley Square and move down Boylston to the Boston Common. At 12:30, a rally will begin at the Parkman Bandstand. The day’s program intends to show support for the independence of Ukraine and its territorial integrity; to provide opportunity for speaking out against the war in Ukraine; to ask for donations for the people of Ukraine and for humanitarian aid; and to express thanks for all the countries, organizations, and people around the world for their support of Ukraine.

We have coordinated with organizers to offer special prayers for Ukraine and for our world, and our loose offering at all services this Sunday will go toward Sunflower of Peace, an organization delivering medical and humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Following the Dismissal, we will offer support for guests, and invite all those in our congregation who would like to participate to join the Trinity clergy in the Peace March.
As I preached during the Annual Parish Meeting, just as the pandemic clouds seemed to lift, our world now grapples the horrors of this, the largest European ground war since 1945. As during the pandemic, our Christian commitments compel necessary changes to our planning – even those plans long published and meticulously prepared – lest our parochial details blind us from the world’s needs.

Our participation in this Sunday’s program will require we shift by one week our anticipated Lenten series, moving the published first sessions to Sunday, March 13, and Tuesday, March 15, respectively. Though we will still host the Children’s Homily during the service, all other Christian Formation for Children and Youth will be postponed until March 13; we invite all ages to consider joining the Peace March.

Between now and this Sunday, please keep in prayer all those suffering and all those in harm’s way, and let us pray:

Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one God; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

For Peace,

The Rev. Morgan S. Allen