- Parish news
ALERT: Phishing scam has hit Trinity parishioners
Today, a number of parishioners received a strange email asking for money from someone claiming to be Morgan Allen, but the email address was mallen.trinitychurchboston@ gmail.com This is a scam, seeking to defraud the recipient.
You can trust that:
No member of the Trinity staff will ever solicit you - by phone, email, or any other means - for gift cards or cash;
No member of the staff will correspond with you from an address other than one ending in the trinitychurchboston.org domain
And that we take our parishioners privacy and security very seriously. We are working with our online service providers that might have been penetrated, and will let you know as soon as we understand what happened.
In the meantime - and always - if you get a strange or suspicious email asking for money:
Check the email address of the sender
If you're still concerned, confirm the veracity of the email by calling the sender by phone or in person.
Unfortunately, this is part of a rash of recent email "whaling" scams across the country that look like they are coming from parish clergy or bishops. For more information about this "whaling" scam, and ways you can protect yourself, here's a good article from the Diocese of Newark that we shared on July 3 via our Facebook page.