• Education Forums

Forum Video: Bach's Mass in B minor

May 11, 2017

Forum: Bach's Mass in B minor
Sunday, May 7, 2017
10:15 a.m.

Compiled late in life, the B minor Mass is regarded as Bach’s magnum opus, the ultimate in Bach’s lifelong pursuit of wedding musical expression to spiritual aspiration. Movement by movement—from resplendent and exultant to formidable and towering—Bach more than mirrors our human condition, he reveals who we wish could be, the saint within. Join Scott Allen Jarrett for an informal talk on the B minor Mass. Dr. Jarrett offers insights to the score from his own experiences, along with some thoughts on Bach’s spiritual and theological considerations and reflections on the universality and ecumenism of this most extraordinary work. He is the Director of Choral Activities, ad interim at Boston University and the Director of Music at Marsh Chapel. He is also Music Director of the Back Bay Chorale.

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Sunday Forum: Bach's Mass in B minor from Trinity Church Boston on Vimeo.


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