Children's and Family Programs

At Trinity Church Boston, we delight in the presence of children and youth.

Children’s Ministry is a very big part of what we do. Based on our belief that children are vital members of our community, we include and incorporate children into as many of our special events and services as possible. Their insights and fresh perspectives on Scripture and worship enrich and surprise us. Their sense of wonder delights us. Their searching and sincerity sustain us. From infants to high school youth, Trinity Church Boston thrives and grows because of the contributions and participation of children. Please explore our programs, educational curriculum, and choir opportunities designed especially for children, youth, and families.



We hope you and your children will sit within the best view of the altar. We also hope that you feel free to encourage your children’s curiosity and questions during worship
rather than quiet them. We believe that worshiping together as a family is one of the strongest vehicles for Christian formation.

It is our desire that children feel as welcome and wanted as adults. To encourage this feeling of belonging, we provide children’s bulletins and crayons in the Narthex and in the Clarendon Street vestibule.

To enhance everyone’s participation on Sunday mornings, we invite children in K-5th grade to depart before the sermon at the 10 am service for the Children’s Homily and rejoin their families at the Passing of the Peace for the completion of the service. Four-year-olds with attention spans that allow them to participate for 20 minutes are welcome to attend as well.