• Parish news

We Are Glad Because We Give — Launching Trinity's Annual Stewardship Season

October 18, 2022
Dear Friends,
Welcome to our annual stewardship campaign! We have launched our efforts with informal gatherings over the past month and with a formal kickoff in worship this past Sunday, and we will continue to spread the good word and invite everyone's best gifts through mid-November.  
Through our fall stewardship campaign, we invite the people of our congregation to make a financial commitment, or pledge, for the upcoming year. Our pledge is a promise that we will make a priority of our relationship with God. Our pledge partners us with God in the reconciling, saving work of the Church. Our pledge grafts us into a movement greater than ourselves, an undertaking greater than what any one of us could accomplish alone. Our faithful pledge confirms our share in every ministry of this remarkable congregation. Thank you for your faithful stewardship in support of our shared faith home.
Don't miss Morgan Allen's stewardship sermon from this past Sunday, "We Are Glad Because We Give." Tying together our stewardship appeal with our Program Year theme of "Gladness and Singleness of Heart," this sermon sets an important spiritual foundation for our collective giving this fall and into the future.  
Please see below for some things to look for coming up.
With gratitude,
Your 2022 Stewardship Committee
Josh Fiala, Co-Chair
Pam Lassiter, Co-Chair
Martha Cowden
Barbara Dortch-Okara
Grace Elson
Kristen Filipic
Listo Fisher
Julia Martin
David McFerrin
Kathleen Sheehan
William Walch
Waihay Wong
Come one, come all...last call for stewardship gatherings this fall!
The final two of our six stewardship and ministry celebration gatherings take place this Saturday at 10 am in Larz Anderson Park, Brookline, and at 2 pm on the Clarendon Street porches and lawn at Trintiy Church. Sign up today to join us for festive fellowship with representatives of more than 30 of Trinity's ministry and fellowship groups! Links for (free!) registration can be found here.
Pledge packets coming in the mail soon!
Keep an eye on your mailboxes over the next week...pledge packets are being mailed in the next few days. In addition to the pledge card, you'll find a letter from your stewardship co-chairs Josh Fiala and Pam Lassiter, a copy of Morgan's stewardship sermon (linked above), and a stewardship Bible study guide and meditation booklet. We hope these materials bring you gladness and inspire your generosity!  
Make your pledge
Ready to make your pledge today? No need to wait for a pledge card in the mail - you can let us know of your intentions for 2023 giving online by filling out the electronic pledge form on our website.
In thanksgiving to God, let us make our offerings with gladness and singleness of heart.
Questions? Need to talk with someone about pledging? Please contact Lonsdale Koester, Director of Stewardship, by email at LKoester@trinitychurchboston.org or by telephone at 617-536, 0944, ext. 320.