• Parish news

Parish Profile & Search Committees to be Selected by September

July 26, 2017

During a Parish Update presentation on June 25, 2017, Senior Warden Pete Lawrence reviewed the expected timeline for the selection of the Parish Profile and Search Committees, and how their work on the search for a new Rector will proceed in coming months. The first major step of the process is already underway: more than 60 applications for these Committees were received, giving the Vestry a large pool of talented lay leaders to draw upon. A Vestry subcommittee will be reviewing these applications over the summer, and selecting applicants in order to recommend committee slates to the Vestry at the end of August. The final committees will be announced to the parish in the first week of September.


The Job of the Parish Profile Committee:

to listen to the parish, discern who we are now, and produce a “brief” that provides rector candidates with a clear view of the parish and our expectations and dreams for a rector. There will be opportunities for all parishioners to contribute to this process.


The Job of the Search Committee:

To research, recruit, and vet candidates, and recommend their top choice(s). Afterwards, the Search Committee will help the new rector come on board, integrate them into our life, and support them in their first year or so with us.


Ideal Transition Timeline

The graphic above outlines an ideal timeline for the transition.