• Parish news

New Deadlines for TrinityEvents Submissions

June 26, 2017

In a busy, buzzing community like Trinity, sometimes it's hard to stay on top of all that's happening. That's what TrinityEvents, the newsletter printed on the back of your worship bulletin, is for. Everyone is welcome to submit their ministry's upcoming events and opportunities to serve.


With our exciting new bulletin design, TrinityEvents is moving to a biweekly format with new submission deadlines. The new deadline for TrinityEvents submissions is two weeks prior to the first Sunday of publication. (For the best coverage, aim for 6-8 weeks before the event.) All TrinityEvents submissions are also eligible for inclusion in our weekly e-newsletter, Trinity Community Update, as well as on Trinity's web calendar, social media channels, and other ways we reach out to our congregation and the larger Boston area. Don't hide your light under a bushel! If you're doing something in the service of the gospel, tell Trinity about it! The attached PDF details submission guidelines and deadlines through the summer.


Please remember to include in your TrinityEvents submission:

(1) a title for the event;
(2) a date, time (including total length of the event), and location, in that order;
(3) a clear and concise description of the event (no more than 60 words/three sentences! Communications reserves the right to thoughtfully edit all submissions.);
and (4) a contact name, and email or phone number (preferably both).

We've also made it easier to submit events: In addition to emailing us at trinityevents@trinitychurchboston.org, you can now simply fill out a webform at trinitychurchboston.org/trinity-events-submission-form.