• Parish news

Inviting Your Participation in Trinity Sunday+ for TBC

May 15, 2024

Dear Trinity Church and friends,

Grace and Peace and Easter greetings! I write to share the exciting plans to celebrate our parish feast day, Trinity Sunday, which in this year’s liturgical calendar falls on Sunday, May 26. As we have in each of the last several seasons, we will dedicate our efforts on that glad day to meet – together as a parish – a specific need, with gifts of both time and treasure [i] . This year, we will support the important work of our partner organization, Trinity Boston Connects (TBC).


TBC seeks to heal the traumatic impact of system racism on youth of color in the city of Boston by serving both youth and youth-serving organizations. TBC grew out of our congregation’s TEEP (Trinity Education for Excellence Program) and TBCC (Trinity Boston Counseling Center) ministries, both started more than twenty-five years ago. In time, the organization became a “subsidiary,” 501c3 non-profit of Trinity; additional programs were added; and, eventually, would change its name from the “Trinity Boston Foundation,” to TBC. Today, TBC “connects” Trinity to leaders and partners beyond our congregation, amplifying our shared impact.

To celebrate Trinity Sunday, we will offer several ways for you to connect with TBC, too – as a donor, as a volunteer, or as both! 

On Sunday, May 26, we will host an online day-of-giving, with inspiring email messages throughout the day, including fun video invitations from faces familiar in our pews. Dollars raised through this effort will be matched by additional funds identified in our parish budget. These collected monies will be given together as a single gift on behalf of the whole church. If you have made a stewardship pledge to Trinity, you are already supporting TBC and all the other ministries and programs of our church … and, if you have the means to give a little more, we hope you will contribute generously to the Trinity Sunday campaign. Early access is available now.

Then on Monday, May 27, come out in person to see and support TBC in action! We will host a “SOULS for SOLES” cheering section and water station that morning at Boston’s Run to Remember. “Sole Train” is one of TBC’s longest-running (pun intended) programs, a community-building and mentoring program for youth in our city that offers running as the vehicle for setting and achieving seemingly impossible goals. The Run to Remember is the capstone race for Sole Train’s program-year efforts. We will cheer them on with spirit (pun intended again) as they head toward the finish line. Sign up here.

TBC’s programs have transformed the lives of thousands of youth. As Trinity Church "in the city of Boston," this work deeply concerns our faith community, and parishioners have been faithful volunteers and donors and leaders from TBC's earliest beginnings. On Trinity Sunday, we hope you will join this long line of faithful friends – indeed, as "companions in the household of God." Donate and cheer generously to support the important work TBC does in building Beloved Community, our dream for this city and God's dream for the whole world.


The Rev. Morgan S. Allen, Rector

Get involved!



[i] You will recall that in 2021, our “Trinity Sunday of Giving” supported health and safety upgrades to our church, as well as installing worship livestream capabilities, to meet the needs of ministry in pandemic times. In 2022, we reprised the day-of-giving model and raised funds to continue our own worship enhancements, and also to share funds with partner parishes in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, following mass shootings in those communities. In 2023 we hosted a hands-on Day of Service, with hundreds of volunteers packing more than 50,000 meal kits shared with hungry neighbors around the city and through partner organizations in Ukraine. If you participated in one or more of these initiatives, thank you!