• Parish news

“Held In Common” at Trinity Church: Our 2024-25 Program Year

September 19, 2024

Dear Trinity Church and friends, 


Grace and Peace and Tuesday greetings! As you heard on Sunday and will see imaged in this email’s masthead, we have now turned the calendar to our 2024-2025 Program Year! 


We draw our theme – “Held In Common” – from the Acts of the Apostles, and its aspirations will give shape to our programming. From my sermon on Sunday


“Held In Common” affirms and inspires our Trinity Church community, setting our commitment to live in love within these walls before the disagreements and devastations that harangue us beyond them. 


“Held In Common,” celebrates instruments of our unity – among others, Holy Eucharist and the common cup; Common Prayer (as in the book cleverly silhouetted along the bottom of the theme’s graphic); and the ecclesial bonds of our Episcopal Church, including those we will share next month when hosting our retiring Presiding Bishop for the ordination of our new Bishop Diocesan. 


“Held In Common” acknowledges, too, the complications and conflicts that do surround our loving life. Close at hand for us are the contradictions of nearby Boston Common as a resting place for the unhoused in the shadow of a golden dome, a setting for both Embrace and protest, union and division. 


In all this, we at Trinity Church take heart that Christ’s love actively holds and empowers us. By song and prayer and Word, in the coming year we will brave with one another the grandest questions of our existence. Grasped by God, we will share moments of grace and beauty, joy and mystery. In our transcendent worship space, we will break bread together, and in this city, we will serve with glad and generous hearts. 


“To make a right beginning” of the new Year, I highlight this Sunday’s “Ministry Mini-stories” that will follow all three services (at 8 am, 10 am, and 5 pm). A different take on the traditional “Ministry Fair;” during these programs each Cohort of the Ministry Council will share stories of God’s love at work in and through Trinity Church. Over snacks and conversation, you will also have an opportunity to sign up for ministries that call to you. 


Our Program Year worship schedule and information on new and renewed programs may be found here. We hope you will make your participation a priority! The world benefits from your presence and care, and we miss you when you are not with us. 


See you Sunday, 


The Rev. Morgan S. Allen 
