Moving all Sunday worship and Annual Meeting to this Saturday at 5 pm

Dear Trinity Church and friends,

Grace and Peace and Thursday greetings!

With Sunday-morning forecasts calling for as much as 12” of accumulation and 2”/hour snowfalls, we are moving all in-person Sunday worship to this Saturday evening, February 8, at 5 pm. Therefore, Trinity Church will be closed all day on Sunday, February 9. The Livestream of the combined Annual Parish Meeting and Morning Prayer liturgy will be available Saturday evening, and we will host a Facebook Watch Party at 10 am on Sunday. Nursery care and children’s programming will be available on Saturday evening, just as we had planned for the next day.

Feeling renewed appreciation for all the school administrators out there, we do not make this decision lightly, and we recognize that changes in the weather pattern could mean other options might present themselves later. Even so, by making this call now, we intend to: prioritize everyone’s safety and durable planning; meet the Annual Parish Meeting’s peculiar requirements; advantage the contracted technology we have in place for this special service; thread the needle of our presenters’ commitments, the goings-on of Super Bowl Sunday, and the beginning of school-vacation week the following weekend.

Thank you for your grace and understanding, and we will look forward to an energizing evening together on Saturday!

Chris Allen, Senior Warden
Barbara Dortch-Okara, Junior Warden
Morgan Allen, Rector