Excerpted from the Rector’s Annual Parish Address on Sat., Feb. 8:

Think of our being-in-love as a “first fruit” devotion: by our actions – no matter how seemingly small or grand – we pro-claim Christ’s Resurrection, we advance God’s realm! Every gladness we brave, every joy we share, every generosity we offer “manifests” the holy-making of the whole cosmos – just as surely as selfishness or cruelty or divisiveness would strengthen the perishable’s grip on us.

Being-in-love at Trinity means deepening our commitment to one another and to this parish.

Being-in-love means committing to greater constancy in worship, because your presence and prayers strengthen the whole Body of the Church and our witness to our neighbors. Even at 5 pm on a Saturday – Lord, have mercy! – we are better when you are here.

Being-in-love means committing to greater generosity in Stewardship, because with our gifts and pledges we refuse perishable definitions of wealth and class, we set ourselves in God’s economy, and we empower more ministry in this parish, in our diocese, and in all The Episcopal Church.

Being-in-love means devoting ourselves to more – and more meaningful – service, because we have gifts of time and talent that can benefit our neighbors – not to make ourselves feel better, but to make the world more whole.

To celebrate these glad days, I again point you to the “Living In Love” link, and I urge you to share your images of this vibrant, love-filled community. In turn, we will widely share that Good News through social media, on our new website [and check that out if you haven’t already], and in our February Worship Booklets.

Check out the Annual Parish Address recording here, and use the form below to submit your photos. You can also email your photos to communications (at) trinitychurchboston (dot) org.