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AA Meeting

Find more AA meetings in Massachusetts here.

Volunteer for Community Breakfast Prep

 Come One! Come All! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!Calling all lovers of food, cooking, and making beautiful community gatherings!We will be meeting on Sat., Dec. 3, to cook food in advance of our parish breakfast on Sunday. Come for a couple hours or stay for the day! Skip the shopping madness and come meditate on the coming of […]

Tuesday and Thursday Compline from Home

 Join us on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30 pm for Compline, the last of the four services in the Daily Office, through the fall. Compline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord's Prayer, collects which ask for God's […]

Livestreamed Christmas Eve Service with Trinity Choristers & Organ

WITH THE TRINITY CHORISTERS & ORGAN. This service will be livestreamed to our website here and to our Facebook page. You can also click the image above to get to the livestream page. Learn more about our full schedule of Christmas services at trinitychurchboston.org/news.

Volunteer for Community Breakfast Prep

 Come One! Come All! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!Calling all lovers of food, cooking, and making beautiful community gatherings!We will be meeting on Sat. ,Jan. 7, to cook food in advance of our Epiphany Brunch on Sunday. Come for a couple hours or stay for the day! Whether you want to make food in advance, set tables, […]

Free Handel & Haydn Emancipation Day Concert

 Be with us as The Handel and Haydn Society and the Museum of African American History once again present Boston’s annual Emancipation Proclamation Concert. A signature event of the First Night Boston celebration, this celebratory hour of music and storytelling commemorates the anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

Family Fellowship Night: Pajamas, Pizza, and a Movie

Join your fellow Trinity families as we gather together for a Family Fellowship Night - an evening of food, fellowship and FUN!Kids - wear your coziest pj's and bring your parents and families for pizza and a showing of Disney's "Encanto".Please help us get enough pizza by signing up at this link. 

Community Breakfast

Enjoy a hot breakfast with the Trinity community between the morning services. All are welcome!Many hands make light work -- if you can pitch in with breakfast prep on Sat., Feb. 4, or Sun., Feb. 5, please click to sign up here!