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All Youth Morning Donuts  

Chapel 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States +1 more

Youth 4th -12th grade are invited for a monthly sweet treat with Morning Donuts! Club 45 meets in LL-A, and 6th -12th graders meet in the Chapel. Enjoy donuts and games before the 10 am service!

Holy Eucharist & Livestream with Children’s Homily

Church 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Please join us for in-person Holy Eucharist in our Copley Square building. Our 10 am service is also livestreamed to our website and to our YouTube Channel and to our Facebook page. This service includes an in-person Children's Homily and nursery care for little ones. Masks are welcomed.

Gladness and Governance: Episcopal Church Polity & By-Laws Update

Lloyd Forum 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

On the day after Trinity hosts the Ordination of our new Bishop Diocesan, Bishop-elect Julia Whitworth, Morgan will lead a Forum reflecting about Episcopal Church governance. Topics will include the process for calling and electing a new bishop; the place of Trinity in the Diocese; and a preview of By-Laws' emendations we hope to vote […]

Event Series Bible Studies

Women’s & Men’s Bible Studies on Zoom

Off-site Location 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Women's and Men's Bible Studies are a pair of connected programs that provide space for parishioners to share meaningful reflection with one another and with members of the clergy. These groups engage the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel lesson in the context of our lives. Michael Battle, Brandon Ashcraft, and Morgan Allen share leadership of the study […]

Event Series Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

Church 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Choral Evensong, Rite I, offers 30 minutes of worship, prayer, scripture, and reflection. Trinity’s Choristers sing at this short choral service offered at the end of the workday in the Sanctuary. Do you know a child aged 8-10 who might be interested in singing? The Chorister program at Trinity Church offers an extraordinary opportunity to learn […]

Last Day: Submit Names for All Souls Necrology

Off-site Location 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

On All Souls' Day, we will remember all those from the parish who have died since last All Souls’ Day in 2023, offering their names during each of our three services of Holy Eucharist We welcome names of those near and dear to the parish who have died in any year, reminding ourselves of the thin […]

20s and 30s Pine Street Inn Volunteer Night

Trinity Church: Kitchen 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA, United States +1 more

Our 20s and 30s are returning to cook dinner for the residents of Pine Street Inn. Join us to cook, clean, and serve our neighbors a homecooked meal. We need volunteers across several hours, so sign up for a time that works for you! Email Katrina Leslie (kleslie@trinitychurchboston.org) with questions about volunteering. Sign-up to volunteer here!

High School Fall Lock-In 

Rectory 233 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

All 9th-12th graders are invited to the High School Fall Lock-In on Friday, October 25 to Saturday, October 26! The lock-in will include but is not limited to faith-filled discussions, uncontrollable laughter, worship, sweet treats, games indoors and outdoors (weather permitting), and sleeping in the Rectory! Let Katrina Leslie (kleslie@trinitychurchboston.org) know if you have any questions! RSVP […]

Event Series Make Sandwiches for Boston Warm

Make Sandwiches for Boston Warm

Trinity Church: Kitchen 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join the Boston Warm team on Friday mornings while we make 80 brown bag lunches for the Boston Warm day program of Ecclesia Ministries. We spend about 90 minutes making sandwiches to deliver to the day program at Emmanuel Church. Contact Judith Hurley via the contact form below to learn more.

AA Meeting

PH Ferris Library 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Find more AA meetings in Massachusetts here.