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Event Series Make Sandwiches for Boston Warm

Make Sandwiches for Boston Warm

Trinity Church: Kitchen 206 Clarendon Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join the Boston Warm team on Friday mornings while we make 80 brown bag lunches for the Boston Warm day program of Ecclesia Ministries. We spend about 90 minutes making sandwiches to deliver to the day program at Emmanuel Church. Contact Judith Hurley via the contact form below to learn more. Click here

Event Series Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls

All are invited to Deck the Halls (And a special space to "wreck the halls", too! Join us as your schedule allows as we prepare each week of Advent for Christmas Day! Each week we will add a new piece of greenery to our space culiminating with preparations for Christmas Eve services. Sign up here! […]

Event Series Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist

Church 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Please join us for in-person Holy Eucharist in our Copley Square building. Masks are welcomed.

Event Series Bible Studies

Women’s & Men’s Bible Studies on Zoom

Off-site Location 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Women's and Men's Bible Studies are a pair of connected programs that provide space for parishioners to share meaningful reflection with one another and with members of the clergy. These groups engage the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel lesson in the context of our lives. Michael Battle, Brandon Ashcraft, and Morgan Allen share leadership of the study […]

Tuesday and Thursday Compline on Zoom

Off-site Location 206 Clarendon St.,, Boston, MA, United States

Join us on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30 pm for Compline, the last of the four services in the Daily Office. Compline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord's Prayer, collects which ask for God's protection during the […]