We're not Donne yet!

Date: February 28, 2021
9:30 am to 9:45 am

On most Sundays at 9:30 am, (prior to 9:45 Worship from Home), the music staff will host a Zoom session to introduce a new hymn or canticle that will then be featured in the service.

"Wilt thou forgive that sin?" The great metaphysical poet John Donne (1571-1631), Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, whose sermons and poetry are classics, left an indelible mark on Anglicanism. Marissa Hall will tell us about the poetry and punnery of his Lenten hymn that we will sing in today's worship.

Please join us on Zoom here or dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter Meeting ID: 837 1194 3275.