Maundy Thursday, 4/17, 8 pm, – Good Friday, 4/18, 10 am
As our Maundy Thursday worship concludes, we will begin a “Gethsemane Watch” through the hours of the night. Recalling Jesus’ gathering with his disciples in the garden just before his arrest, we honor Jesus’ charge to “Stay awake and pray.” The Watch will begin in-person at the conclusion of our 7pm Maundy Thursday Service with the procession of the reserved sacrament to the chapel. The in-person vigil will continue until 10 pm. We will then, pray through the night at home. The Watch will resume in-person at 6 am, on Good Friday and conclude at 10 am, just before our Good Friday worship begins at 12 noon.
All are welcome to attend at any time. To ensure that we have at minimum 2 people present during the watch, we invite you to sign-up for times in the Watch. Select the slot below that best suits your time and location. If the slot you would like attend is filled, you may still attend those in person slots. PLEASE NOTE, all prayers between Thursday at 10 pm and Friday at 6 am will NOT be on Campus. We would like for two people to always be praying, if the slots when you would like to pray are full, please feel free to join in at that time also.