Epiphany Forum Series: The Household in Ephesos

1/14: “The Household in Ephesos”,  led by the Rev. Dr. Katherine Shaner. 

We turn to the practical life of the household, understanding better how ‘real life’ was in the time of Paul, specifically in Ephesos. The Rev. Dr. Katherine Shaner will return on Jan. 14 to present on the ‘Household in Ephesos’– when scripture speaks of ‘household’, both the historical and theological frameworks are meant to go hand in hand.

This Forum will be livestreamed to trinitychurchboston.org/live-worship.

You can also check out the Rev. Dr. Shaner’s previous Forum at Trinity from Nov. 12, 2023, in which she explored Troubling Texts: Ephesians in Place and Space’, at trinitychurchboston.org/blog.

This lecture is part of our Epiphany Forum Series: The Wonderfully Ordinary Household of God.