• Education Forums

Known and Loved: Ryan Newberry

November 19, 2019

I arrived at Trinity three years ago after moving to Boston from North Carolina. I was new to the city, and new to being a Christian and being an Episcopalian. I was on the lookout for a church that had a lot of ways for me to explore this new faith of mine, had inclusive values, and also had an Inquirer's class. I googled "Episcopal Church Inquirer's Class Boston," found Trinity and never left! 
I have a hard time imagining what my life in Boston would be like without Trinity. The church, the community it provides, and the friends that I have made have defined my experience of living in Boston to a large degree. Trinity is both a second home and my core community in Boston. 
A large part of that is all the ways Trinity provides for us to live out and learn more about our faith, and the opportunities our church provides to be in community with others. Trinity's Inquirer's class with Bill Rich helped me understand Eucharist and to feel comfortable coming to Christ's table. It also was a part of my decision to be baptized at the 2017 Easter Vigil. Through Trinity's many ministries, I have been able to try on different roles as a Christian from being a lay eucharistic minister at the 6 p.m. service to serving as a College Behind Bars mentor. Most importantly, I have also made many great friends! 
When Morgan asked us to imagine the Trinity we would like to see, l imagined Trinity as a hub of activity for doing God's will in the world, nourishing and guiding us each Sunday and throughout the week as we go out to face the world. I pledge in order to support those many activities and the community that surrounds them. 
The people in our community make our church one of the bright spots in a world where we hear that feelings of disconnection and loneliness are on the rise in America. I see my financial pledge to Trinity and its community as one direct way I can fight back against what is a daunting and seemingly intractable problem. By financially supporting Trinity and being faithful members of its community, we are saying “No” to the forces of alienation, disconnection, and loneliness that keep us apart, and “Yes” to Christ and His community. I hope that you will join me in saying “Yes” to Trinity! 

Ryan Newberry, Parishioner


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