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Known and Loved: Bill Kieffer

October 28, 2019

While watching television the other evening, a commercial appeared on the screen advertising “The Lion King,” the play now at the Opera House in Boston. My husband Jim and I remembered seeing this production on Broadway a few years ago, with family members who are no longer with us. What an evening! Spectacular music, acting and of course the storyline. But, in this ad, I noticed something that I should have before—that the play had been wrapped around the theme of “The Circle of Life.”

That gave me pause. Of course it was, just as life is. The storyline illustrates a life—from birth to death and the rebirth of life—a full circle. And each one of the characters is known and loved, as they make their way through life—just as we are.

We are taught as little children that we are known and loved by our parents, extended families, friends and others with whom our lives intersect. As we mature, the same knowing and loving expands—it translates into the community in which we live. Take Trinity as an example: our lives intersect through worshipping together and engaging in various ministries as we reach out to one another—within and outside the doors of our church.

But to be known and loved is something we can’t do alone. The reaching out and the reaching in are not free—those efforts by all of us require support.

As a child, I pledged as a Sunday school member, learning that it is better to give than to receive. And, in my family, this same approach was nourished as I aged. I learned that offering our individual and collective time, talent and treasure is necessary to support all that happens inside and outside our building. Pledging is necessary and expected of each of us, to the extent made possible by the fruits of our labors.

In my previous service on the Stewardship Committee here at Trinity, we learned that each of us arrives on earth with nothing and when we depart, we take nothing with us. So, it is up to us to be good stewards of any gains we might make and to put a portion of the total back into the service of God, with gladness and fullness of heart, rejoicing for all we have been given.

My journey through my 30 plus years at Trinity and its life has provided me with other opportunities, such as to serve on the Vestry; to serve in various ministries, including the Trinity Boston Foundation (now Trinity Boston Connects); to ask Trinity for prayers and support preceding and following multiple surgeries. What great learning opportunities to become better known and loved, by God, and by my neighbors. And the support and greetings Jim and I received upon the Blessing of our Holy Union at Trinity, the first one of its kind for same-sex couples, again brought to us the “k and l” words—Known and Loved.  And as I become better known and loved, I am able to do the same for others.  

So, “The Circle of Life” is key for me—and I gladly pledge each year and participate in planned giving to help, in some small way, to provide for Trinity’s future. Yes, I feel Known and Loved.  Join me in feeling so.

Bill Kieffer, Parishioner


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