What is Stewardship?

“A ‘steward’ is one who manages what is not one’s own. As Christian Stewards, we recognize that all we have is from God, and we return to our generous Creator a measure of what we have been given.

God has chosen the Church as the primary bearer of Jesus’ Good News, and God has equipped every member of the Body of Christ with gifts to offer this mission. You have gifts for that mission! We often speak of these gifts in the alliterative triumvirate of ‘time, talent, and treasure,’ not so that different members of the parish can offer one or the other, but so that all of us would recognize the rich giftedness within ourselves, and that every one of us would give as fully as we can of all three.

During our annual Stewardship season at Trinity Church, we invite the people of this congregation to make a financial commitment for the upcoming year. We call that commitment a ‘pledge,’ and our pledge is a promise that we will make a priority of our relationship with God. By our pledge, we become partners in God’s saving work. By our pledge we become part of a movement greater than ourselves, an undertaking greater than what any one of us could accomplish alone. By our faithful pledge every one of us has an equal share in every ministry of this remarkable parish … By our faithful pledge every one of us has an equal share in every ministry of this remarkable parish.”

–The Rev. Morgan S. Allen, from the sermon “Lord, How Much Is Enough?”, Sunday, October 20, 2019