We invite you to join us to observe significant events in the life of the church, the city, and the country. We offer services to commemorate Christian holy days; and host special events like the annual favorite Candlelight Carols

In addition to special holiday services, Trinity often hosts special events and services for the city in times of celebration or sorrow.  Examples include an Evensong to Celebrate Marriage Equality, and a day-long Election Day Vigil to pray for our nation and our common life.



Each year our Christian tradition tells the grand story of God’s saving work in the world through our worship together. Many of our special services are based on this church calendar, known as a liturgical year.  As a result, our worship may feel different during different seasons.

The church year begins toward the end of the calendar year, with Advent, the season of preparation; we look deeply at the hardships and darkness in the world, and we wait with confidence for the coming of Christ, the light who shines in the darkness.

Christmas, which begins on December 25 and lasts for twelve days, is a time of feasting and merriment, as we celebrate God coming into the world in Jesus Christ. 

Epiphany begins on January 6, and marks the light of Christ becoming clearly visible in our lives.

Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Lent is a six-week period marked by an increased solemnity and introspection. During services, we engage in communal repentance for the brokenness of the world, and independently, individuals often take this time for a special discipline of fasting, prayer, or learning. Rather than a gloomy season, though, Lent can often be a time when we grow close to God and one another as we face the deep truths of our hearts.

The week leading up to Easter, known as Holy Week, immerses us in the story of Jesus’ final days on earth, his death, and his glorious resurrection. We re-live this story in special services throughout the week. On Easter Sunday and the fifty days of Eastertide which follow, we celebrate the ultimate truth of the Christian faith: that love always triumphs over death.

There are other special feast days and holidays as well, but most of the year is known as “Ordinary Time.” Far from trivial, these seasons are when we seek to do the work God calls us into with ever-greater trust and love.