With gratitude for God’s abundant blessings, and in the spirit of our program year theme “Held In Common,” we invite the people of Trinity Church to join us in making pledges of financial support for the 2025 calendar year.

Making a church pledge is a way of expressing gratitude to God for all the ways we are held in Christ’s love. Making a church pledge is also a commitment to each of our fellow parishioners, a very real way that we hold each other together as a community of faith.

In mid-October, pledge packets are being mailed to active Trinity households. Pledge cards will also be widely available throughout Trinity’s campus. Physical pledge cards may be returned confidentially to the church by mail or in the Sunday worship service offering plates. A secure electronic version of the pledge form is available below for those who prefer a paperless option.

Pledges may be made at any time, and are most joyfully received during stewardship season (for 2025, between October 13 and November 17, 2024) to inform the parish budget process taking place each December and January.

Please contact Trinity’s Director of Stewardship for any help you may need in making your pledge.

Thank you for your faithful stewardship of God’s blessings and of our life together at Trinity Church.

2024-2025 Stewardship Committee

Barbara Dortch-Okara, Junior Warden
Listo Fisher
Alex Greenaway
Mark King, Co-Chair
Pam Lassiter
Julia Martin, Co-Chair
David McFerrin
Austine Ometoruwa
Christy Taylor
Bill Walch


The Rev. Morgan S. Allen, Rector
Robert Hess, Chief Financial Officer
Lonsdale Koester, Director of Stewardship
Ann MacDonald, Stewardship Associate and Database Manager