Educational Forums: Growing in Faith and Knowledge

April 4, 2017
The Very Reverend June Osborne, Dean of Salisbury Cathedral, has been one of the leaders in the Church of England as our sister church has addressed major issues such as the ordination of women to be bishops, the blessing of same sex couples, and the decline in church attendance in the U.K. DuringRead More >
March 15, 2017
Join Richard Webster, Director of Music and Organist, as he takes us on a tour through the hymnal, offering insight into some of our favorite hymns as well as spotlighting some hidden gems. Read More >
March 5, 2017
Join the Rev. William B. Roberts, Professor of Church Music from Virginia Theological Seminary, as he helps us identify and delight in some high points of Anglican Music through the centuries. Read More >
March 1, 2017
Join the Rev. Dr. William W. Rich, Vicar, and the Rev. Patrick C. Ward, Associate Rector for Pastoral Ministries and Welcome, as they suggest some practices for a vibrant forty-day journey towards Easter. Read More >

Going Deeper: Growing In Faith And Knowledge

At "Educational Forums," enrich your spiritual journey by exploring our resources including videos of lectures, essays by priests, and other pieces about our faith, our church, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the 21st century.