Educational Forums: Growing in Faith and Knowledge

April 10, 2019
For the third of this year's Price Lectures, our speaker was Nancy Koehn, James E. Robison Chair of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.  Professor Koehn gave a truly captivating and informative discussion, not only of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, but of what it takes to truly be a greatRead More >
The Rev. Rita Powell
April 4, 2019
We are once more rounding a corner on the Lenten road, and Holy Week is visible on the horizon.  Lent is meant to be a season of preparation for this week, this passion of our Lord.  And yet, even with the best intentions, the work is elusive.  I’ve been dutifully, and cheerfully following myRead More >
April 3, 2019
  Lent 3: Sunday, March 24 Exodus 3:1-15 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Luke 13:1-9 Psalm 63:1-8   In Acts 17 (not appointed for this week!), the Apostle Paul preaches a sermon to sophisticated and urbane Athenians about the God of the Jews:Read More >
The Rev. Dr. William Rich
March 28, 2019
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,  Read More >
March 28, 2019
For the second of this year's Price Lectures, our speaker was Stephen Greenblatt, John Cogen University Professor of Humanities, Havard University.  Professor Greenblatt led us through not only the very early origins of the Adam and Eve story, but also how that story has shaped our understanding ofRead More >

Going Deeper: Growing In Faith And Knowledge

At "Educational Forums," enrich your spiritual journey by exploring our resources including videos of lectures, essays by priests, and other pieces about our faith, our church, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the 21st century.