About The Trinity Chorister Program
The Chorister program is a choir for children and teens, open to all from ages 8 to 18, regardless of religious affiliation. Combining the highest standards of musicianship and performance with leadership and teamwork, Choristers learn musical skills and theory through the curriculum of the Royal School of Church Music in America (RSCM) and receive a small stipend for their work.
The Choristers sing at the Sunday 10 am service, attend two rehearsals per week, and lead Wednesday Choral Evensong at 5:45 pm during the program year. Additionally, Choristers attend choir camp each summer and tour with the Trinity Adult Choir.

If you know a child who loves to sing, ages 8 and up, email Colin Lynch, Director of Music, to learn more about the Chorister program.
The chorister program is free and open to all, regardless of faith background.