• Parish news

Fall Events 2017 Available Now!

September 12, 2017

The 2017 edition of Fall Events was published online today. Download it now to learn about the exciting months in store at Trinity.

Generally published twice a year, Fall/Spring Events highlights the upcoming opportunities at Trinity for learning, outreach, worship, fellowship, and more. This year marks a change in publication format, as we move to a made-for-mobile, highly interactive digital version. Everyone can download (or simply read in their web browser) the interactive PDF. For those who are using Apple devices (iPhone or iPad), we recommend the EPUB version, best viewed in iBooks.

This change comes as part of a continued effort to be good stewards both of our financial resources and of the earth's resources. It also allows readers to keep Fall Events stored on their phone, for those of us who tend to lose paper.

Even more exciting than the publication, though, are the events it highlights. From the 3rd annual Anne Berry Bonnyman Symposium, which will focus on the health effects of racial inequality; to this year's Forum series, "12 Lives: Faith, Action, Witness;" to the perennially popular Candlelight Carols services; the coming weeks will bring many ways for us to learn, grow closer in community, and work for God's vision of love together.

Visit our Publications page to download Fall Events as an interactive PDF or EPUB.