
I believe this is Jesus - Undine Smith Moore


I believe this is Jesus; come and see.

The Light of God shines in his face; come and see.

He offers all his pard’ning grace; come and see.

Yes, Lord, yes Lord, come and see.


Traditional spiritual


Tu es Petrus - G.P. da Palestrina


Tu es Petrus

et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam

et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam.

Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.


Quodcumque ligaveris super terram, erit ligatum et in caelis, 

et quodcumque solveris super terram, erit solutum et in caelis.

Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.


You are Peter,

And upon this Rock I will build My Church:

and the gates of hell shall not overcome it.

And I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.


Whatever you bind upon earth shall be bound in heaven,

and whatever you release upon earth shall be released in heaven,

and I will give you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven.


Text: Matthew 16:18-19



Tu es Petrus - G.P. da Palestrina


The Lamb - John Tavener (1944-2013)


Dost thou know who made thee?

Gave thee life, and bid thee feed

By the stream and o’er the mead;

Gave thee clothing of delight,

Softest clothing, woolly, bright;

Gave thee such a tender voice,

Making all the vales rejoice?

Little lamb, who made thee?

Dost thou know who made thee?


Little lamb, I’ll tell thee,

Little lamb, I’ll tell thee;

He is called by thy name,

For he calls himself a Lamb,

He is meek, and he is mild,

He became a little child.

I, a child, and thou a lamb,

We are called by his name.

Little lamb, God bless thee!

Little lamb, God bless thee!


Words William Blake (1757-1827)